
The proposal that this final assignment brought was to redo a game that one of the other groups in our room had previously made, also considering the limitations that were initially imposed on this project.

Chosen game: Soggy Submarine

Made by: Team Bag

Genre: Endless Runner

Limitation: One Button Game

The Running Mole Project

As a team, we always chose a kind of sympathetic character for build a connection between the player and the game.

After our brainstorming, we defined to have as a character an animal and should to be one that lives in the ground and in the surface as well, for we have the both environments to be explored.

With this changes we will not enjoy nothing the fuys made in their project, will be a new project for we put on our portfolios.

Main Mechanic

The game will have a single mechanic directly controlled by the player, which will be the digging mechanic. Through it the player:

1- Avoid obstacles;

2- Reach collectible items;

3- Advance through the level despite the difficulty increasing over time.

Secondary Mechanic

As a secondary mechanic of the game we will have the balance of the mole when it emerges to the surface.

This jump will be proportional to the angle of departure from the earth, so the player will be able to use this mechanic to escape obstacles inside the earth while jumping over trees on the surface.

Team KrakenHunters

Daril Camilo:

Project Manager and UI Design;

Cansu Guc:

Ui Artist;

Tara Din Reiwald:

Technical Artist;

Leonardo Baldicera:

Programmer and Level Designer;

Renee Pollet:

Programming Lead and Level Designer.

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